Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Last night I had one of several recurring dream themes: zombies. Like many of my zombie dreams, this one had a cross between real-life danger and video game danger. Sometimes I would actually fear for my life, sometimes I would think that I'll just respawn later. The game I had on mind was, of course, the recent Left 4 Dead, but some others may have shown up in my dream as well.

Anyway, it started out like a Left 4 Dead game. Me and maybe 2 or 3 friends were at the top of an apartment building and we had to get down and out to a safer area. Except we didn't have guns or anything to defend ourselves. I snapped off a broom stick, making sure one end was pointed. I believe I later attached an improvised spearhead. I don't remember what my comrades did, but we were all armed in some fashion or another.

There weren't too many zombies in the way so we were never too worried about being eaten or infected. But then we came across one area: a wide living room. There were scratch marks all over the walls and ceiling, so we all knew that a Resident Evil Licker was up ahead. So in the next room, I kept expecting to see those exposed brains and long tongue come at us, but instead one of my friends that went ahead a little came running back screaming: "Plants!"

Behind him came 3 short plant-like monsters. They had big mouths with big lips and sharp teeth. This mouth was surrounded by large leaves that formed a round bush. Several vines sprouted from the inside of the bush that acted as arms and legs. So these things slithered towards us and while they looked ridiculous, we were still scared for our lives and ran the other way. I may have stabbed one in the mouth with my broom spear, but I woke up shortly afterwards...

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