And fell back asleep into another dream. It was another one of my video game and/or reality dreams. I spawned (or was teleported or something) onto some alien planet. I had heavy armor on and a large, futuristic rifle. I also had a partner with me, a gruff old soldier-type person with the same gear. He was a cautious one and warned me about such and such, but I just wanted to explore so I walked ahead. But, as if right on cue, a large and angry T-rex burst through the trees behind us as I walked away from his warnings. It spotted my partner first and started chasing him. I got behind some rocks, not too afraid for my life, and started firing at the T-rex with my rifle. It was a powerful gun because it took the beast down in a few shots while my partner acted, reluctantly, as a decoy. I might have said something sarcastic, but at any rate, we decided to split up. He actually wanted to go ahead this time and do some recon. I decided to backtrack a bit and see if the downed T-rex dropped any items of use. I think I might have found some ammo (because T-rexes on alien planets carry ammo), but it was kind of a disappointing find considering the size of the dinosaur. There was only a small open and accessible area behind the T-rex and where we started. It was surrounded by trees and thick brush, so I didn't bother trying to go past that. In the open area was a nice stock of items. For whatever reason, most of the items were eggs. Like, regular chicken eggs. I think they were supposed to be a health item or something so I just put a bunch in my pockets. The only interesting item there was a pair of night-vision goggles. It was blazing sunlight at the time, but I kept the goggles anyway and started getting back to my partner. I might have met up with him, I might not have, but either way, I woke up...

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