It's been kind of hard to remember my dreams lately, but last night I had a pretty good one. Somehow, a vampiress or succubus or something had possession of my soul. The soul's physical form was a scrap of paper with some writing on it, a la that episode of The Simpson's when Bart sells his paper soul to Milhouse for five bucks. Anyway, I was confined to a backyard and porch area that resembles my grandma's house, but I assumed belonged to the succubus. She offered me a deal. If I can find my hidden paper soul, I get to go free. Otherwise, I stay hers forever. She did not state that there was a time limit or even if my soul was hidden in the area I was confined to, but I had no choice but to accept her deal. It was actually a lot of fun looking for my soul. Since I was given no time limit, I had nothing to fear. And even though she was confident I would never find my soul again, I was confident I would.
I began by looking in some unassuming places. There was a refridgerator in the back porch area, so I opened it up and looked in there, then behind it and on top of it. I knew that my soul was on a piece of yellow legal paper with a short list of something and there on top of the fridge I saw some yellow paper. I thought "this is too easy" but the paper turned out to be some advertisement. I then saw a phone book on a table and decided to leaf through it. I found several pieces of yellow paper, but they all turned out to be something weird: a report card, another ad, pages from some book; everything but my soul. That's when I realized that the succubus had planted a bunch of decoys all over the place. This got me even more excited and I wanted to find my soul, if just to shove it in the succubus's face, but unfortunately my phone rang and I woke up...
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